拼音:réng jiù 英文解釋:
remain the same; still; yet中文解釋:
用在動詞前面,表示動作、行為繼續不變或恢復原狀,相當於“仍然&rdq... >>
查看“仍舊”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 家具的生產大部分仍舊沒有機械化。
Production of furniture remained largely unmechanized.
- 8但我要仍舊住在以弗所,直等到五旬節。
But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.
- 普通民眾仍舊從城市的毀滅上思考問題。
The general public still thinks in terms of the obliteration of cities.
- 當然,可想而知,那裡根本就沒有多餘的工作給我,但是,我仍舊不死心,繼續尋找。
There was nothing, of course, but I keep looking.
- 儘管研究多年,仍舊無法得知此病的起因。
Despite many years of research, the cause of FIC remains unknown.
- 死因仍舊是個謎團。
The cause of the death is still a mystery
- 傻瓜送到法蘭西,回國仍舊帶傻氣。
Send a fool to France, and a fool he will return again.
- 我的父母仍舊住在那兒。
My parents still lived there.