拼音:rè nào de英文翻譯
alive; busy相關詞條:
- 我的女兒還小,我不喜歡住在熱鬧的馬路旁。她需要嚴加看管,不能讓她跑到馬路上。I don't like living near a busy road when my daughter's so young. She need to be watched like a hawk to stop her running out into the traffic.
- 這商店朝著兩條熱鬧的街道。The shop has frontages on two busy streets.
- 在熱鬧的都市裡騎腳踏車往往比坐汽車方便得多。A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities.
- 我不知道他著了什麼魔,在那條熱鬧的街上把車子開得這么快。I don't know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street.