allow; appoint; assume a job; let; no matter; official post中文解釋:
任 rèn 相信,信賴:信任。 使用,給予職務:任命。任人唯賢。 負擔,擔當:...>>查看“任”在國語字典中的解釋
- 有重要會議在進行,任何人都不得入內。An important meeting is going on , no one is allowed to go in .
- 指派一個職位;擔任一種職位。assign to a post; put into a post
- 老師任命了一個謹小慎微的學生擔任我們的班長。The teacher appointed a safe student as monitor of our class
- 為了完成他們的任務,工人們日夜在工作。To complete their work the workers are working day and night .
- 他不能勝任裝配機器的工作。She is not competent to the task of assembling the machine.
- 他們直截了當地把責任歸於醫生。They placed the blame squarely on the doctor.
- 法律不會對任何人不公平。The law does injustice to no one.
- 一個願意服從任何條例與規章的人A ready complier with all rules and regulations