字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>然而的英文翻譯 “然而”的日文翻譯


拼音:rán ér


but; howbeit; however; nevertheless; still; whereas; yet


從另一方面來說——表示轉折關係樂曲終止了,然而無人離席然... >>查看“然而”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.nevertheless  2.howbeit  3.whereas  4.whenas  5.butthen  6.andyet  7.still  8.though  9.withal  10.algate  11.howe'er  


  1. 簡給他寫了封長信,然而他一直沒有回信。
    Jane wrote him a long letter, but he never wrote back.
  2. 她病了。然而她照舊去上班,並且盡力集中精神工作。
    She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.
  3. 他確實是想幫忙,然而事實上卻只是幫倒忙。
    No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.
  4. 她自負而愚蠢,然而人們喜歡她。
    She is vain and foolish, and yet people like her.
  5. 彗星象行星一樣繞太陽運轉,然而其軌道呈狹長的橢圓形。
    Comets move around the sun like planets, but in long oval course.
  6. 我們盡可談論美的事物,然而美本身卻是抽象的。
    We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract.
  7. 面對這樣的指責,許多人都會辭職的,然而他卻留下並硬是挺了過來。
    A lot of people would have resigned in the face of such accusations, but he stayed and toughed it out.
