拼音:qǐ zǎo tān hēi英文解釋:
work from dawn to night中文解釋:
早起晚睡,形容終日勤勉辛苦 >>查看“起早貪黑”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 你如果再這樣起早貪黑地幹活,你會病倒的。If you go on burning the candle at both ends, you will be ill.
- 意為“從黎明到黃昏”,如:“我起早貪黑地外出打獵。”B efore daw n to after dusk.“I w as outhunting from can?tsee to can?tsee.
- 你如果再這樣起早貪黑地幹活,你會病倒的。If you go on burning the candle at both ends, you will be ill.