拼音:qǐ mǎ 英文解釋:
at least; elementary; minimum中文解釋:
至少他們班起碼有三個學生不及格 >>
查看“起碼”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 抄襲者,起碼也有保存文物的功勞。
Plagiarists, at least, have the merit of preservation.
- 食物儘管不好,但起碼很便宜。
The food wasn't good, but at least it was cheap.
- 要到國外讀書,你最起碼要掌握那種語言。
To go abroad to study, you should at least master the language.
- 如果沒有香港,起碼我們信息就不靈通。
Without Hong Kong, we would not be well informed, to say the least.
- 那,最起碼讓我提一件行李。
Well, at least let me take one of them.
- 現在這個稿子,在我看來,起碼是有一個好的基矗
In my estimation, the present draft can at least serve as a good basis.
- 我們的收入只能購買最起碼的生活必需品。
Our income allows only the necessaries of life.
- 國際法的起碼準則
elementary requirements of international law