拼音:qì xī 英文解釋:
breath; flavor; smell; tang; tincture; tinge; wind中文解釋:
(1) ∶呼吸時進出的氣氣息惙然。——《聊齋志異&mid... >>
查看“氣息”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
tinge 2.
tincture 3.
tang 4.
flatus 5.
wind(up) 例句:
- 半條命也比全無氣息強。
Half a life is better than no breath.
- 今天的天氣已露出了一絲秋天的氣息。
There is a breath of autumn in the air today.
- 在集市上,我聞到了東方的氣息。
In the market, I breathed the smells of the Orient.
- 斯圖加特以其獨特的藝術氣息而驕傲。
03 From top Stuttgart is proud of its patronage of the arts.
- 散發清新的泥土氣息
give off the fragrance of fresh earth
- 美妙的氣息;賞心悅目的水果;管弦樂隊悅耳的樂聲
A lush scent; lush fruit; the lush sounds of an orchestra
- 草給陽光曬枯了,發出一陣叫人意滿心歡的收穫期的芳香氣息。
The sunburnt grass breathed a harvest breath of dry sweetness and content
- 儘管年代久遠,這所房子的牆壁仍然有種現代氣息。
Despite their age, the walls of the house have a modern feel.