拼音:qiū qiān 中文解釋:
遊戲用具,將長繩系在架子上,下掛蹬板,人隨蹬板來回擺動 >>
查看“鞦韆”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 像鞦韆在平衡前的搖擺。
vibrate, as of a swing before it comes to a total rest
- 這小男孩在盪鞦韆。
The little lad was playing on the swing.
- 你盪鞦韆有10分鐘了, 現在該輪到我了。
You've been on the swing for ten minutes, it's my go now.
- 像鞦韆在平衡前的搖擺。
vibrate, as of a swing before it comes to a total rest.
- 高空雜技演員在空中,如在高空鞦韆或鋼絲上表演的雜技演員
An acrobat who performs in the air, as on a trapeze or tightrope.
- 雜戲團的演員用的鞦韆。
a swing used by circus acrobats
- 用垂下來的藤曼做了一個鞦韆
Contrived a swing from hanging vines
- 我跟比夫還在樹上安了個鞦韆。
When I and Biff hung the swing between them?