拼音:qì quán英文翻譯
abstain from; disclaim; waive the right; abdication; abstention; nonuserrenunciation; waiver
【經】 waiver
1.waiver 2.abstention 3.nonuser 4.renunciation 5.abstainfrom 6.disclaimation 7.disclaim 8.abandon 9.abstain 10.togiveup例句:
- 上次選舉時他棄權了(沒投票)。At the last election he abstained (from voting/the vote).
- 國會以七十票贊成,四十三票反對,七票棄權而批准了該協定。Parliament ratified the agreement by a vote of70 to43, with seven abstentions.
- 以200票對150票通過此項動議,但有60票棄權。The motion is carried by200 votes to150, with60 abstention.
- 對於這項建議,五人投票贊成,八人反對,兩人棄權。Five members voted for the proposal, eight voted against, and two abstained.
- 決議以八十二票對十六票通過,十八票棄權。The resolution was approved82 to16 with18 abstentions.