拼音:qīng xiàng yú 英文解釋:
affect; be apt to; squint towards相關對話:
- 傾向於有利益的展現或者表現。
tending to reveal or represent favorably.
- 最近發生的事件更使我傾向於延長罪犯關押年限的意見。
Recent events lean me more towards favoring longer years of imprisonment.
- 傾向傾向於…的狀態;趨勢;傾向或敏感性
The state of being predisposed; tendency, inclination, or susceptibility.
- 強迫的表現出或傾向於強制的
Characterized by or inclined to coercion.
- 指責過度的傾向於或過於嚴厲評判的;苛求的
Inclined to judge too severely; hypercritical.
- 猶豫的傾向於遲疑不決的或遲疑不決的
Inclined or tending to hesitate.
- 對事物傾向於抱以讚許的態度的人。
a person disposed to take a favorable view of things.
- 傾向於與他人交往的或覺得與他人交往有益的。
inclined to or conducive to companionship with others.