字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>傾向的英文翻譯 “傾向”的日文翻譯


拼音:qīng xiàng


incline; lean to; liability; polarity; prefer; proneness; tendency; trend
【醫】 trend; tropesis; vergence; vergency
【經】 trend


(1) ∶趨勢沒有避免那種使用暴力的傾向(2) ∶指思想觀點所體現的方向思想傾向... >>查看“傾向”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 相對比較堅持一個固定反應的傾向
    a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way.
  2. 有或引起昏眩的感覺;傾向於摔倒的。
    having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling.
  3. 傾向於使之喪失氧氣。
    tending to deprive of oxygen.
  4. 問:遲到的人是否傾向擁有某種個性?
    Q Do tardy people tend to have a certain personality type
  5. 傾向於促進身體的健康;有益於健康。
    tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health.
  6. 指責過度的傾向於或過於嚴厲評判的;苛求的
    Inclined to judge too severely; hypercritical.
  7. 通姦的關於,傾向於,或以通姦為標誌的
    Relating to, inclined to, or marked by adultery.
  8. 那是一種什麼樣的傾向呢?
    What type tendency is that one kind of?
