拼音:qīng wǔ qì英文解釋:
small arms【法】 firearms; small arms
用單手或者雙手握持進行射擊的小型武器 >>查看“輕武器”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.firearms 2.smallarms 3.firearm 4.smallarm 5.lightweapon 6.lightarmament中英例句:
- 環孔可以進行輕武器射擊的孔A loophole through which small arms may be fired
- 為了輕武器的傳送而建造的戰壕。a trench especially constructed for the delivery of small-arms fire.
- 用輕武器步行作戰的人。fights on foot with small arms.
- 為了輕武器的傳送而建造的戰壕。a trench especially constructed for the delivery of small-arms fire
- 我們只攜帶了一些輕武器。We only carried some light weapons.
- (指輕武器)能夠連續的自動填裝和開火。(of firearms) capable of automatic loading and firing continuously.
- 手槍一種可以單手使用的輕武器A firearm that can be used with one hand