拼音:qīng pāi英文解釋:
chuck; dab; lap; pat; tap相關詞條:
1.tunk 2.spat 3.tapping 4.rap漢語造句:
- 她把蓋子輕拍了幾下使它鬆動。She gave the lid a few gentle taps to loosen it.
- 他覺得有人輕拍他的肩膀。He felt a tap on his shoulder.
- 母親把生麵團輕拍成扁平餅狀。Mother patted the dough into a flat cake.
- 他輕拍這孩子的肩膀。He patted the boy on the shoulder.
- 她輕輕拍了一下那孩子的頭。She gave the child a pat on the head.
- 雪花輕輕拍打著窗戶。Snowflakes were patting against the window.