拼音:qīng shāng英文解釋:
flesh wound【醫】 microtrauma
(1) ∶輕微創傷(2) ∶傷勢輕的人輕傷送到包紮所 >>查看“輕傷”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.fleshwound 2.slightinjury 3.slightlyinjured相關對話:
- 很幸運,事故中我只不過是受了點輕傷。Luckily I came off with only slight wounds in the accident.
- 你僅受輕傷而脫險,應感到欣慰。You should be thankful to have escaped/that you have escaped with only minor injuries.
- 你只受輕傷,真使我感到驚奇。I wonder you were not hurt more seriously.
- 營救隊救出了所有人質,無一個受到輕傷。The rescue team brought out all hostages without a skinned ankle
- 在這場激烈的戰鬥中輕傷員們都不肯下火線。In the fierce fighting the lightly wounded refused to leave the front line.
- 很幸運,事故中我只不過是受了點輕傷。Luckily I came off with only slight wounds in the accident.
- 不過是輕傷, 沒什麼要緊的。It's only a slight wound, nothing serious.