字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>輕柔的的英文翻譯


拼音:qīng róu de


gentle; soft


  1. 繭綢;山東府綢一種輕柔的薄布料,由中國或印度產的原絲或它們的仿製品織成
    A soft, thin cloth woven from Chinese or Indian raw silk or an imitation thereof.
  2. 喔,糟了—怎么辦?是很輕柔的歌曲,而我去想咳嗽。
    Oh, no- what do I do? The music is real soft, and I have to cough.
  3. 輕柔的光澤;光澤
    Soft reflected light; sheen.
  4. 芭蕾舞女演員輕柔的舞姿
    the liquid grace of a ballerina
  5. 她習慣用輕柔的聲音講話。
    She used to speak in a quiet voice
  6. 紫羅蘭色,或者叫紫色,是陰暗處的暗淡而又輕柔的顏色。
    Violet, or purple, is the deep, soft color of darkness or shadows.
  7. 發出輕柔的呼呼聲
    To make a soft sibilant sound
  8. 輕柔的
    a gentle wind
