拼音:qī fù英文解釋:
bait; bully; rag; tease【法】 bailting
(1) ∶用傲慢的態度或不講道理的手法恫嚇或企圖脅迫被欺負哭了(2) ∶強迫接受... >>查看“欺負”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.bulldoze 2.ballyrag 3.tease 4.rag 5.torment 6.bully 7.pusharound 8.ballyragg 9.ragging相關對話:
- 用那樣的花招欺負一個老太太,可真卑鄙。That was a scurvy trick to play on an old lady.
- 別讓那些大孩子欺負你,要保護你自己!Don't allow those big boys to bully you; stick up for yourself!
- 那些小男孩兒巴不得讓那欺負人的壞蛋也嘗點苦頭。The smaller boys badly wanted to give the bully a dose of his own medicine.
- 像他那樣欺負自己的孩子真缺德。It's a crime the way he bullies his children.
- 他在學校里受到大孩子的欺負。He was bullied by the older boys at school.