拼音:qǐ fēi英文翻譯
launch; take off; take wing; takeoff【法】 get-off
1.take-off 2.liftoff 3.liftoff 4.takeoff 5.takeoff(clothes) 6.takewing 7.flying-off 8.getoff 9.takeoffoperation 10.off-deck 11.departure 12.hopoff 13.unstick 14.lift-off,launching 15.launch 16.liftoffattitude例句:
- 我再說一遍:跑道尚未暢通,不能?em>鴟傘?I repeat: the runway is not clear for take-off.
- 飛機起飛推遲了(兩個小時)。There was a delay (of two hours) before the plane took off.
- 噴氣式飛機正要起飛時出了事故。The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.
- 儘管有霧,飛機仍照常起飛。The plane took off despite the fog.
- 這架飛機馬上就要起飛。This plane will soon take off.
- 你猜飛機何時要起飛?When do you guess the airplane will take off?
- 空難在起飛幾分鐘後就發生了。That plane crash occurred only minutes after take-off.
- 飛機大約五分鐘後就起飛。The plane will be taking off in approximately five minutes.