拼音:qiē chú英文解釋:
ablate; excise; excision; exscind; removal; resect【醫】 ablate; abscission; eccope; excise; exsect; removal; resect; resectio
用手術去除器官或身體的一部分,或用其他方法消除其功能闌尾的切除 >>查看“切除”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 肺切除術,肺部分切除術對整個或部分肺的外科手術切除Surgical removal of all or part of a lung.
- 在…施行輸精管切除術To perform a vasectomy on
- 異丙酚對癲癇病灶切除中皮層腦電圖的影響Effects of Propofol on ECOG in Patients during Epiletics Foci Resection
- 乳突小房切除術,乳突切除術Surgical removal of mastoid cells or part or all of the mastoid process.
- 閹割或切除卵巢To castrate or spay.
- 可調節斜位在顯微內窺鏡腰椎間盤切除術中的套用Application of adjustable oblique position for microendoscopic discectomy
- 卵巢切開術切開卵巢的外科手術,如為施行活體檢查或切除瘤Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor
- 此病灶被切除並留有06公分之安全邊緣。There was no evidence of recurrence after a 4 months follow up