字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>切掉的英文翻譯


拼音:qiē diào


cut away; cut off; cut out; cutoff
【法】 cut off


  1. 屠夫從牛肉的側邊切掉骨頭。
    The butcher cleaved the bones from the side of the beef.
  2. 請賣肉師傅把這塊肉邊上的肥膘切掉
    Ask the meat man to trim away the fat edges of the meat.
  3. 使用矩形選區工具將圓角矩形中央切掉一小塊。
    Using the marquee tool cut the rectangle like so.
  4. 切割或切掉的部分
    A cutting apart or off
  5. 他在工作時被機器切掉了一個手指。
    He have a finger cut off by a machine while work
  6. “被我踢到頭的那個傢伙有沒有把頭切掉?”
    "The guy I kicked in the balls, did they have to amputate them?"
  7. 切割或切掉的部分
    A cutting apart or off.
  8. 當心不要把幼芽切掉
    Take care not to cut off the buds.
