字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>且的英文翻譯 “且”的日文翻譯



even; just


且 qiě 尚,還,表示進一層:既高且大。尚且。況且。 表示暫時:苟且偷安。姑...


  1. 我不喜歡滑冰,而冰又太薄。
    I don't like skating, moreover, the ice is too thin.
  2. 他們知道那幅畫是膺品。而還知道是誰仿畫的。
    They knew the painting was a forgery. Moreover, they knew who had painted it.
  3. 這棟房子對我們來說不夠大,而離城太遠了。
    This house is not large enough for us, and further, it is too far from the town.
  4. 琉璃苣並用作為香料在優酪乳、奶油、和香醋里。
    Borage is also used as a flavoring in yogurt, cream, and vinaigrettes
  5. 恐龍是一個經歷了漫長的年代而有著很多分支的種群。
    Dinosaurs were a very long-lived and diverse group of animals
  6. 他不僅是個歌唱家,而他也是個畫家。
    Not only was he a singer, but he was also a painter
  7. 那裡有很多人而很嘈雜。
    There are a lot of people and much noise there.
  8. 不適當不可接受的妥協裁定。
    an improper and unacceptable kind of compromise verdict.
