拼音:qià rú qí fèn英文解釋:
appropriate; just right【法】 appropriate
指說話辦事恰當穩妥,無過或不及恰如其分的評價 >>查看“恰如其分”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 他引用莎士比亞的話是恰如其分的。His quotation from Shakespeare is appropriate.
- 這次報界的報導確實恰如其分地描述了造成困難的種種原因。The newspaper reports have really touched off the caused of the difficulty this time.
- 將這類免疫系統同計算機資料庫作類比並非恰如其分。The analogy with a computer database is not perfect
- 看問題要恰如其分--事情有可能糟得多。Try to see the problem in proportion-- it could be far worse.
- 恰如其分的解釋a correct explanation
- 第二點,為什麼我們這次要強調恰如其分?Second, why are we now stressing that assessments must be balanced?
- 恰如其分的話a apt remark