拼音:qiǎng jié英文解釋:
dacoity; heist; hijack; pillage; plunder; rob of【法】 despoliation; hijack; maraud; mug; pillage; plunder; plunderage
ransack; rapine; rifle; rip off; robbery; spoliate; spoliation
以暴力掠奪搶劫銀行 >>查看“搶劫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.robbery 2.mugging 3.hijack 4.heist 5.highjack 6.plunder 7.stick-up 8.spoilation 9.dacoity 10.pillage 11.brigandage 12.robof 13.rifle 14.expilare 15.despoilation 16.mugged中英例句:
- 他因持械搶劫而關押了十年。He was put away for ten years for armed robbery.
- 一名匪徒在街上製造事端引人注目,其餘匪徒則搶劫銀行。One of the gang created a diversion in the street while the others robbed the bank.
- 沒想到(老實的)他居然在三天內犯了三次搶劫罪。I didn't expect that he should have committed three robberies in as many days.
- 敵人搶劫村莊。The enemy plundered the village.
- 他已在附近犯下了好幾起搶劫案。He had committed several robberies in the neighborhood.
- 這個年輕人被控暴力搶劫。The young man was charged with robbery with violence.