拼音:qiāng zǒu 英文解釋:
go off with; rap; reave相關詞條:
asportation 例句:
- 警方昨天說,四名挾帶武器的強盜闖入長島一戶住宅,用燒熱的熨斗折磨一位婦女,然後搶走了5000元的現金和珠寶。
Four armed robbers forced their way into a Long Island house where they tortured a woman with a hot iron, then made off with$5,000 in cash and jewelry, police said yesterday.
- 他搶走我手中的提包就跑了。
He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off.
- 一有機會,小偷便會搶走你的最後一個銅板。
The thieves will snatch your last bob if you give them half a chance
- 她當時正往家走,就在這時小偷襲擊了她並把包搶走了。
She was walking home when the thief jumped on her and took her bag.
- 兩個歹徒砸了一家攝影器材商店的櫥窗,搶走了陳列的商品。
Two men made a smash-and-grab raid on the camera shop
- 當那人搶走我的包時,我的通訊錄也沒了。
I lost my address book when that man robbed me of my bag.
- 抓緊那包,否則人群中會有人把它搶走。
Freeze onto that bag or someone in the crowd may snatch it.