antrum; cavity【醫】 cava; cavern; caverna; cavitas; cavitat; cavity; cavum; celio-; chamber
coel-; coelio-; lumen; lumina; space; spatia; spatium
1.cavity 2.antrum 3.hohlraum 4.socket 5.chamber 6.hollow 7.bore 8.cavern 9.cavum 10.lumen 11.thorax 12.cavitas 13.caverna例句
- 我看夠你裝腔作勢的表現了。I've had enough of your dramatics.
- 壁內的發生於或位於腔或器官的壁內的Occurring or situated within the wall of a cavity or an organ.
- 壁身體部位、器官或腔的外表面。常用複數A wall of a body part, organ, or cavity. Often used in the plural.
- 基蒂對我們撫育孩子的方式一向吹毛求疵,但是她當了母親之後,就開始改變她的腔調了。Kitty used to be very critical of the way we raised our children, but when she became a mother herself she began to change her tune.
- 起初那個人不肯接受這項工作,但當他感到對自己會有很大好處時,就開始改變腔調了。At first the man refused to take on the job, but when he realized he could benefit a lot from it, he started to dance to another tune.
【法】 census act隙間補充器的英文翻譯
【電】 gap filling半導導彬料的英文翻譯
【電】 semiconducting m曲度的英文翻譯
【機】 camber變址信號的英文翻譯
【計】 index signal量筒的英文翻譯
【化】 cylinder; gradua生物機械學的英文翻譯
【醫】 animal mechanics無責任的英文翻譯
【經】 economic commiss羽的英文翻譯
feather; plume\n【醫】觸發字的英文翻譯
【計】 trigger word胃膈韌帶的英文翻譯
【醫】 ligamenta gastro一般寫作規則的英文翻譯
【計】 for casual writi馬拉色氏病的英文翻譯
【醫】 Malassez's disea立管閃蒸器的英文翻譯
【化】 vertical tube-fl