banner; flag; standard中文解釋:
旗 qí 用布、紙、綢子或其他材料做成的標識(zh?),多是長方形或方形:旗子...>>查看“旗”在國語字典中的解釋
1.standard 2.ensign 3.bannerette 4.bannerline相關對話:
- 總統葬禮那天,全國到處降半旗致哀。Flags were at half mast everywhere on the day of the president's funeral.
- 旗子在風中飄揚。Flags are fluttering in the breeze.
- 旗幟在風中飄揚。The flag waved in the wind.
- 旗幟在微風中飄揚。Banners fluttered in the breeze.
- 示威者揮舞著旗幟,呼喊著口號。The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans.
- 旗幟給街道增添了色彩。The banner lent color to the streets.
- 愛國者在自由的旗幟下戰鬥。The patriots fought under the banner of freedom.
- 牆上張掛著錦旗。Banners are arrayed on the wall.