拼音:pū shè英文解釋:
lay; pave【化】 lay; laying; pave; placing
配置;用築路材料牢固地鋪起來鋪設雙軌 >>查看“鋪設”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lay 2.pavement 3.laying 4.placing 5.laid中英例句:
- 跑道鋪設用來賽跑的道路A course laid out for racing.
- 人們挖開半個路面以鋪設新的煤氣管道。Half the road surface is being taken up to lay new gas pipes.
- 工人們正在道路下面鋪設管道。The workers are laying pipes under the road.
- 在鋪設設備上裝上滴灌管卷。Locate the drip lines drums on the laying device.
- 用碎石來鋪設(如公路)的表面To cover or surface(a roadbed, for example) with broken stones.
- 鋪設的高速公路A paved highway
- 這個城市有一半的街道還需要鋪設路面。Half the streets in the city are still to be made up.
- 善長用莊稼秸桿或樹葉鋪設屋頂的人。someone skilled in making a roof from plant stalks or foliage.