拼音:pò zhé hào英文解釋:
dash; rule【計】 dash mark
(1) ∶用於句中表示意思的突然轉折(2) ∶寫的或印的一長橫,作為省略詞的替代... >>查看“破折號”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 這兒該用逗號、問號、破折號、分號還是連字元號Shall we put a comma, a question mark, a semi-colon or a hyphen here
- 後面加個破折號。Make a dash after it.
- 試論英文破折號的修辭功能On the Rhetorical Functions of the English Dash
- 我的問題是:稱謂後面是要用冒號、逗點還是破折號。My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation
- 後面加個破折號。Make a dash after it
- 我的問題是:稱謂後面是要用冒號、逗點還是破折號。My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation.
- 破折號一種標點符號,用於寫作或打字中A punctuation mark( used in writing and printing