拼音:pò làn 英文解釋:
frazzle; rinky-dink
(1) ∶破舊霉爛;破碎破爛東西(2) ∶潰爛已經發炎破爛 >>
查看“破爛”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 他的衣服破爛不堪了。
His clothes were torn to rags.
- 我的褲子破破爛爛又怎么樣,它遮掩著的是一顆熱情的心哪。
What if my trousers are shabby and worn; they cover a warm heart
- 那件上衣已經破爛不堪了
That coat has had it.
- 把外套穿得破爛不堪
to wear a coat to rags
- 一家破爛的小工廠
a small run-down factory
- 破破爛爛的由於疏忽或過分地使用而被損壞或被磨損的
Damaged or worn because of neglect or heavy use.
- 那個撿破爛的從街上東撿西撿,居然積攢了一筆可觀的家產。
That rag-picker scraped together quiet a property out of the street
- 箱子已那么破舊,他一提起來就破爛了。
The box was so old it just disintegrated when he picked it up.