拼音:pò miè 英文解釋:
be dashed to the ground; overturn; perdition; wreckage中文解釋:
(1) ∶消滅;毀滅;滅亡六國破滅,非兵不利,戰不善,弊在賂秦。—&... >>
查看“破滅”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 我們的希望完全破滅了。
Our hopes fell to zero.
- 我的夢想被破滅了。
My dream has been shattered.
- 幻想破滅
ruin of an illusion
- 那似乎是一個好的想法,但幾個尖銳的問題很快便使這個虛妄的泡影破滅了。
It seemed a good idea, but a few sharp questions soon pricked the bubble
- 使人清醒,使人夢想破滅
To free or deprive of illusion.
- 使計畫破滅;挫敗
To thwart the plans of; frustrate.
- 畢生夢想的破滅
The defeat of a lifelong dream.
- 併發症使他痊癒的希望破滅了。
The complication snuffed out his hope of recovery.