拼音:pò jì lù英文解釋:
- "加油!約翰!這次你可以打破紀錄!""Go to it, John! You could beat the record this time."
- 賽跑運動員飛快起跑,好像要破紀錄似的。The runners got off to a flying start and looked like beating the record.
- 7月18日-《哈利·波特與混血王子》破紀錄地售出了690萬冊。July 18th - Half-Blood Prince sells a record-breaking 69 million copies
- “加油!約翰!這次你可以打破紀錄!”"Go to it, John! You could beat the record this time."
- 現在,許多人都開始期待薩哈破紀錄的表現。Since then, many people have informed Sahar of his record-breaking feats.
- 誰是第一個破紀錄的人。Who is the first one to break the tape.