拼音:pín qióng英文翻譯
destitution; impoverishment; neediness; poorness; poverty【法】 poverty
1.neediness 2.impecuniosity 3.penury 4.impoverishment 5.poorness 6.poverty 7.pauperism 8.squalor 9.depauperation 10.destitution 11.privilege 12.strait 13.beggarliness 14.alightpurse 15.emptypurse 16.poortith例句:
- 這個貧窮的小男孩在他十歲的時候就被雇為羊倌。The poor boy was hired as a shepherd when he was only ten.
- 這個貧窮的母親悵惘地回憶她已經逝去的青春。The poor mother has wistful reminiscences of her lost youth.
- 他終生貧窮。He remained poor all his life.
- 我們不應該對貧窮的孩子漠然不顧。We should not show apathy towards the poor children.
- 非洲的人民過著貧窮的生活。Peoples in Africa are living in penury.
- 貧窮不應該與恥辱扯上任何關係。There should be no stigma attached to being poor.