拼音:píng jiè 英文解釋:
by right of; depend on; rely on; resort中文解釋:
依恃;用…的手段憑藉我現在職務所賦與我的權威 >>
查看“憑藉”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 憑藉巨大的優勢來超越或打敗對方。
surpass or beat by a wide margin.
- 憑藉如此的規模,EA做為整個業界的代表也是合情合理。
Its size makes EA a reasonable proxy for the industry as whole
- 退路某人可以憑藉或隱退的某物
Something to which one can resort or retreat.
- 公眾生活中,無賴就是憑藉這一點,如同我們所看到的那樣。
In public life,as often we see, the rogue must count on this!
- 那老農憑藉手杖的幫助,慢慢地往前走。
The aged peasant is advancing slowly with the aid of a cane.
- 憑藉視力很難覺察到。
make difficult to perceive by sight.
- 最後的答案;最後的憑藉;最終結果。
the final answer; a last resort; the net result
- 一種很高的槍架,人們可以憑藉它來在胸牆上方射擊。
a gun carriage elevated so that the gun can be fired over the parapet.