拼音:píng kōng 英文解釋:
without foundation中文解釋:
(1) ∶沒有證據地憑空編造(2) ∶在空中;凌空 >>
查看“憑空”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 這些數字並不是憑空編造的。
These figures were not pulled out of a hat
- 這一報導是憑空編造來的。
The story was introduced apropos of nothing.
- 憑空想像的意識圖象。
a mental image produced by the imagination
- 他們憑空想出一個十分荒唐的計畫。
They dreamed up a most impossible plan
- 你為什麼憑空懷疑這訊息的真實性?
Why do you suspect the truth of the information?
- 憑空想出一個計畫
dream up a plan
- 這些數字並不是憑空編造的。
These figures were not pulled out of a hat.
- 他這種看法決不是憑空產生的。
His view is by no means without foundation.