字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>騙錢的英文翻譯


拼音:piàn qián




  1. 既然是在英國領土上,他可能被捕嗎?什麼罪名呢?也許是說謊騙錢,或者是根據“公務員保密條例”竊聽到的某種莫名其妙的罪名。
    Could he be arrested now that he was on British territory? What would the charge be? Obtaining money on false pretences perhaps or some obscurer charge heard in camera under the Official Secrets Act.
  2. 騙錢
    swindle money (out of sb.)
  3. 這個推銷員試圖從老太太身上哄騙錢財。
    The salesman tried to core the old lady out of her money.
  4. 艾勒·凱波尼是芝加哥有名的詐騙錢財的人。
    Al Capone was a famous racketeer in Chicago
  5. 因為詐騙錢財他被收監。
    He is send to prison for obtain money by false pretence.
  6. 他因詐騙錢財而被捕入獄。
    He was sent to prison for obtaining money by false pretence.
