拼音:piàn jú英文解釋:
skin game; shell game; eyewash; fraud; hoax; razzle-dazzle; swindle【法】 bubble; confidence game; rig; skin game
(1) ∶設計騙人的圈套他的經濟契約原來是個大騙局(2) ∶騙人的詭計、花招或活... >>查看“騙局”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.skullduggery 2.skingame 3.shellgame 4.eyewash 5.razzle-dazzle 6.aput-upjob 7.afastone 8.confidencetrick 9.deception 10.skulduggery 11.trick 12.hype 13.bubblescheme漢語造句:
- 結果證明一切都是場騙局。It proved that everything was a mare's nest.
- 他所謂的友誼是一種騙局。His pretended friendship was part of the deception.
- 瞞騙,欺詐用於騙人的東西;騙局或欺詐Something intended to deceive; a hoax or fraud.
- 他想拉特德入伙參加那個騙局。He tried to rope Ted in on that swindle.
- 那場所謂的大賤賣是一個欺詐顧客的騙局。That so- called sale is a scheme to swindle the customer.