字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>匹的英文翻譯 “匹”的日文翻譯



be equal to


匹 pǐ 量詞(a.指整卷的綢或布;b.指馬、騾等)。 單獨:匹夫(a.一個人...


  1. 我要做一馬兒。
    Allan: I would be a horse
  2. 你為什麼把你所有錢全賭那馬?我有預感它肯定會贏。
    Hey man ,why did you bet all the money on the horse I had a hunch on that
  3. 1928年,可樂開始與奧林克運動會建立聯繫。
    In 1928 Coke began a connection with the Olympics
  4. 另一方面是利用配濾波器的方法進行實時相關研究。
    the other is the study of real-time correlation using MSF.
  5. 廣東奧林克中心經營功能定位的探析
    Administrative Function Ascertainment of Guangdong Olympic Center
  6. 你們以前沒有做過染嗎?你們的染沒有色差和縮率問題嗎?
    Have you ever did piece dyed,any fabric problem on colour shrinkage?
  7. 常言說:“天下興亡,夫有責。 ”
    As the common saying goes, “Every man alive has a duty to his country”
  8. 我有一個"複製人"姐姐,名叫黛安娜,住在賓州的茨堡。
    I have a cloneShe lives in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,and her name is Diana
