拼音:pěng fù英文翻譯
split one's sides with laughter例句:
- 這場表演確實滑稽,人人都捧腹大笑,笑得眼淚都淌出來了。It was really a funny show. Everyone was rolling about with teas of laughter streaming down their faces.
- 當戴維表演完那段插曲時,全班同學都捧腹大笑。All the classmates burst into laughter when David acted out the episode.
- 我們對一本幽默書的最高讚賞是說“它令我捧腹大笑,”難道不是這樣嗎?Isn't it true that our highest compliment to a humorous book is to say that "It made me laugh out loud."
捧腹的意思 用手捧著肚子,形容大笑的情態令人捧腹詳細解釋.用手捧著肚子。形容大笑時的情態。《史記·日者列傳》:“ 司馬季主 捧腹大笑。”.用以稱笑,大笑。 唐 柳宗元 《送邠寧獨孤書記赴辟命序》:“則曳裾戎幕

- 捧腹大笑的英文翻譯
- 捧場的英文翻譯
- 捧腹的英文翻譯
- 捧場文章的英文翻譯
- 捧的英文翻譯
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