拼音:péi cháng英文解釋:
compensate for; indemnify for; recompense; recoup; reimburse; remedy【經】 amends; bote; claim; compensate; indemnification; indemnify; indemnity
make up; recompense; recoup; recoupment; recovery; remedy; reparation
(1) ∶對損失、損壞或傷害的補償保險公司賠償了他的損失(2) ∶對受害的一方補... >>查看“賠償”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.compensation 2.compensatefor 3.indemnifyfor 4.indemnify 5.quidproquo 6.recoupment 7.redress 8.makegood 9.solatium 10.amends 11.indemnification 12.quidproquo 13.reparations 14.indemnity 15.makeup 16.atonement例句:
- 她答應賠償損失。She promised to make good the loss.
- 她仍然堅持要求賠償。She is still pressing her claim for compensation.
- 她受傷後獲得保險公司的賠償。She was compensated by the insurance company for her injuries.
- 你的車子受到了損壞,你應當通過法律途徑要求賠償。You must seek redress in the law courts for the damage to your car.
- 誰將賠償損失?Who will compensate for the losses?
- 公司花了一大筆錢賠償受傷的工人。Compensation of injured workers has cost the company a lot.