拼音:pāo zhì 英文解釋:
chuck; sling中文解釋:
(1) ∶投,扔拋擲硬幣(2) 夯∶丟棄;棄置什麼顧慮都拋擲腦後 >>
查看“拋擲”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
spill 2.
throw 3.
cast 相關對話:
- 不可拋擲。
Not to be thrown down.
- “我可以一整天站在這兒練拋擲,”他笑著說。
" I could just stand here all day and cast," he said, smiling.
- 高壓驅動的拋擲角研究
Study of Projection Angles of High Pressure Driving
- 石制的拋擲尖物
A stone projectile point
- 過遠的一撒捕魚時遠於原先想投的一次拋擲
A cast made in fishing that falls beyond the point intended
- 定向爆破的岩石拋擲堆積
The Trowing Accumulation of Rocks for the Directional Blasts
- 拋擲的,彈射的能夠被推進的或向前甩出的
Capable of being impelled or hurled forward.