拼音:pāo qì英文解釋:
cast away; abandon; discard; forsake; give up; put away; slough offthrow over
【經】 jettison
扔掉不要;丟棄拋棄了過去的那些老框框 >>查看“拋棄”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.throwoverboard 2.throwover 3.turnone'sbackon 4.sloughoff 5.bethroughwith 6.divestoneselfof 7.castaway 8.put...away 9.walkouton 10.rippedup 11.dumping 12.abandonment 13.tojettison 14.throwaway 15.abandon 16.flingaway漢語造句:
- 她為拋棄嬰兒事辯稱自己撫養不起。She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.
- 他發財之後把老朋友都拋棄了。When he became rich he threw over all his old friends.
- 他和妻子吵架後就把她拋棄了。He had a row with his wife and just walked out on her.
- 他被歷史所拋棄。History discarded him.