字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>畔的英文翻譯 “畔”的日文翻譯



bank; side; the border of a field


畔 pàn 田地的界限。 邊:河畔。湖畔。橋畔。耳畔。枕畔。 〔畔援〕橫暴,跋...


  1. 這個飯店坐落在優美的高山湖,四周洋溢著浪漫的氣氛。
    The hotel has a very romantic atmosphere, set on the bank of a beautiful mountain lake.
  2. 後來她又到過許多國家,最後來到了尼羅河
    Afterward, roaming over many lands, she reached at last the banks of the Nile.
  3. the border of a field
  4. 亞馬遜河的血汗橡膠兵
    Of Rubber and Blood In the Brazilian Amazon
  5. 暢飲前,最好知其源。
    Before we drink much at a brook, it si well to know its source
  6. 服務員: 岳陽是湖南北部洞庭湖的一座城市。
    Yueyang is a city by Dongting Lake in north Hunan
  7. 河邊,河河流的岸邊或沿河流的地區
    The bank or area alongside a river.
