拼音:pāi mǎ pì 英文解釋:
apple-polish; bootlick; palaver; toady中文解釋:
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查看“拍馬屁”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
havekissedtheBlarneystone 2.
mullarkey 3.
sycophancy 4.
crawlto 5.
oiliness 6.
curryfavor 7.
curryfavour 8.
polishtheapple 9.
applepolish 10.
Butter. 漢語造句:
- 對於有良心的教師,拍馬屁的學生實在討厭極了。
Apple polishers are a pain in the neck to conscientious teachers.
- 拍馬屁。/活見鬼!
Kiss up to someone./Kiss one’s ass.
- 許多拍馬屁的親戚都奉承這個富老太婆。
Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old woman.
- 他專會拍馬屁,樂此不疲。
He is favour of piling it on others.
- 拍馬屁的人是最大的敵人。
No foe to a flatterer.
- 他在一個勁兒地拍馬屁。
He was laying on the flattery with a trowel