拼音:nù bù kě è 英文解釋:
be hopping mad; boil with anger中文解釋:
形容發怒至極無法自制 在他們採取這行動之前,已明顯地被激得怒不可遏了 >>
查看“怒不可遏”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 你母親若知此事定會怒不可遏。
Your mother will be furious if she gets to hear of this.
- 我對這個決定幾小時怒不可遏。
I raged for hours at the decision.
- 他怒不可遏。
He was in one of his uncontrollable furies.
- 什麼支配你買了這間房子;她怒不可遏。
What possessed you to buy this house? A terrible rage possessed her.
- 當他聽到她要退學時, 他簡直是怒不可遏。
When he heard she was going to quit school, he simply blew up.
- 我對這個決定幾小時怒不可遏.
I raged for hours at the decision
- "我不是個廢人!"女孩怒不可遏,嚷道,"我不是!"
"I am not a cripple!" shouted the girl furiously ,"I am not!"
- 他怒不可遏。
His wrath got out of hand.