拼音:nóng mì de英文解釋:
1.dense 2.bushie漢語造句:
- 濃密的叢林A dense jungle.
- 他們在濃密的叢林裡開闢出一條路來。They hewed their way through the dense jungle.
- 濃密的黑髮襯托著他的面龐。A dense mass of black hair framed his face.
- 我們進入一片濃密的森林。We entered a dense forest.
- 他那雙巨手的手背上滿是濃密的黑汗毛。The backs of his huge hands were covered in thick black hair.
- 房間裡籠罩著濃密的雪茄菸霧。There was a dense cloud of cigar smoke in the room
- 庭院長滿濃密的野草。A thick growth of weeds covered the yard
- 山那邊是一片濃密的森林。Beyond the mountains is a thick forest