dense; great; strong; thick中文解釋:
濃 (濃) nóng 含某種成分多,與“淡”相對:濃茶。濃霧。濃墨。濃眉。濃重...>>查看“濃”在國語字典中的解釋
1.thick 2.spissitude中英例句:
- 加入的液體太多,混合液的濃度就不夠。If you add too much liquid the mixture will not be thick enough.
- 一片濃密的森林包圍著城堡。A thick forest girdled the castle about.
- 飛機在濃霧上空飛行。The aircraft was flying above thick fog.
- 濃霧籠罩著山頂。The thick mist clouded the mountain-top.
- 他們在濃密的叢林裡開闢出一條路來。They hewed their way through the dense jungle.
- 這樣的濃霧裡,我什麼也看不見。I can't see anything in this dense mist.
- 交通因濃霧而受阻。Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog.