press down; restrain中文解釋:
捺 nà 用手按,抑制:按捺。捺手印。 筆形之一,由上向右斜下。 筆畫數:1...>>查看“捺”在國語字典中的解釋
1.slantingdownwardstroketowardstheright 2.right-fallingstroke相關對話:
- 當時我捺不住心頭的怒火。I couldn't keep down my anger at that time.
- 他按捺不住自己的怒火。He couldn't keep down his anger.
- 他一直按捺著怒火,一言不發,到後來還是爆發了出來。He dammed up his fury until he could no longer remain silent.
- 我們極為興奮,簡直按捺不住。We could hardly contain our excitement.
- 在與同行的競爭中,你得學會捺住性子。In professional competition you have to learn to keep your temper.
- 他再也按捺不住了。He was unable to rein in his impatience any longer.
- 勉強捺住心頭的怒火barely manage to restrain one's anger