拼音:mù tóng英文解釋:
cowboy; waddy中文解釋:
放牧牛羊的小孩 >>查看“牧童”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.Endymion 2.cowhand 3.cowpoke 4.waddie 5.buckaroo 6.buckayro 7.buckeroo中英例句:
- 在很久很久以前,牧童都是遊牧者,趕著他們的牧群到處尋找青草和水源。A long, long time ago, cowboys were wanderers, driving their herd from place to place, looking for fresh grass and water.
- 牧童神秘感;存在主義的神秘性The cowboy mystique; the mystique of existentialism.
- 牧童把馬停在山頂上。The cowboy drew up his horse at the top of the hill.
- 牧童等羊喝水。The shepherd boy waited for his sheep to drink.