拼音:mù hòu英文翻譯
behind the curtain【法】 behind the scenes
- 在幕後進行操縱的官員們極力勸誡他們應避免進一步的正面交鋒。Officials working behind the scenes urged them to avoid further confrontation.
- 約翰在幕後做了大量的工作,人們並不了解俱樂部的成就有多少歸於他。John does a lot of work behind the scenes. People do not realize how much of the club's success is due to him.
- 他是這齣戲裡的一個重要幕後人物。He was an important man behind the scenes in the play.
- 他們正在幕後策劃一個陰謀。They are brewing a plot behind the scenes.