拼音:mù bù英文翻譯
curtain; screen例句
- 幕布在劇院或大廳內隔開舞台和觀眾或作為背景幕的可移動遮蔽物或帷幕The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop.
- 舞台前部背景幕布前的舞台部分The part of a stage in front of the closed curtain.
- 幕布升起,展現的是市郊住宅的起居室。The curtain goes up on (ie is raised to show) a suburban living-room.
幕布的意思 劇場中一幕戲和另一幕戲之間落下的垂幕詳細解釋.制帷幕用的布。《儀禮·既夕禮》:“明衣裳用幕布,袂屬幅,長下膝。” 鄭玄 註:“幕布,帷幕之布。” 賈公彥 疏:“《周禮·幕人》云:‘掌帷幕幄帟綬。’猜你喜歡
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