拼音:mò jì 英文解釋:
ink marks; one's writing or painting中文解釋:
(1) ∶用墨留下的殘跡(2) ∶指某人手跡這是張大千的墨跡 >>
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inkblot 中英例句:
- 早就聽說,這個商人常常是簽字的墨跡未乾就撕毀契約。
The trader had been known to tear up a contract before the ink was dry where it had been sighed.
- 這些墨跡洗不掉。
These ink stains won't wash out.
- 墨跡未乾!不要動它!
Don't touch it before the ink is dry!
- 折信前,你先把信上的墨跡吸乾。
Blot your letter before folding it.
- 他花了近2個小時的時間清除那篇論文中字母間的墨跡。
It took him nearly two hours to lay up that paper.
- 一塊墨跡
a smear of ink
- 我上衣上的墨跡怎樣才能去掉?
How can I remove the stains from my coat ?